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The Giver by Lois Lowry: Home

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RL 7.1

  • Student will recognize or recall specific vocabulary such as: analysis, cite, explicit, inference, text, textual evidence
  • Student will be able to perform basic processes such as describe what a grade-appropriate text says explicitly and draw logical inferences
  • Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what a grade-appropriate text says explicitly, as well as support inferences drawn from the text.

RL 7.2

  • Students will be able to recall specific vocabulary related to themes & central ideas
  • Students will perform basic processes such as: determine a theme or central idea of a grade-appropriate level and summarize a grade-appropriate text using a teacher-provided graphic organizer.
  • Students will analyze the development of a theme or central idea over the course of a grade-appropriate text.
  • Students will write an objective summary of a grade-appropriate level

RL 7.4

  • Students will be able to recognize specific vocabulary
  • Students will be able to perform basic processes such as: identify specific words that impact the meaning and tone of a grade-appropriate text, identify figures of speech in grade-appropriate text, describe the background of teacher-provided figures of speech, determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a grade-appropriate text, including figurative and connotative meanings.


Notice & Note Signposts

Signposts Include: 

  • Contrasts & Contradictions
  • Memory Moment
  • Tough Questions
  • Words of the Wiser
  • Aha Moment
  • Again & Again

About the author

  • When was Lois Lowry born and what was her early life like?
  • Where is she now?
  • What made her interested in writing The Giver?
  • Aside from The Giver, what are some other books she has written?


Characters as they appear in order:

  • Jonas, a serious young man who is apprehensive about the approaching Ceremony of Twelve, at which he will receive the Assignment that will determine his lifework.
  • Asher, an outgoing, fun-loving youngster who is Jonas’s best friend.
  • Father, Jonas’s father, who is a Nurturer of new children and a gentle, patient man.
  • Lily, Jonas’s younger sister.
  • Mother, Jonas’s mother, an official with an important position in the Department of Justice.
  • Gabriel, or Gabe, a “newchild” under Father’s care.
  • Fiona, a female Eleven, a caring, gentle girl whom Jonas likes.
  • Larissa, an old woman who lives in the House of the Old. 
  • Chief Elder, the female Elder who gives a personalized speech announcing each individual’s Assignment at the Ceremony of Twelve.
  • The Giver (the name this character tells Jonas to call him by), one of the Elders, the current Receiver of Memory. He is an elderly man and has been Receiver for a very long time.

Build Background Knowledge

What is a dystopian society?

Essential Understandings

Essential Understanding:  Developing different perspectives

Essential Questions:

  • How do knowledge, memory, and perception influence individual points of view?

Anticipation Guide